In late November, we celebrated with the birth of Becca Mahoney's second child and new baby boy Cannon Patrick. He is everything a newborn should be...tiny, sweet, and just so darn kissable! I was able to stop by after he was born to capture a few images to help always remember these first, amazing days.
Before I show some of my favorite images from the morning, I have to say that there are a few select people who have provided unmeasurable support this last year as I have worked to move forward with my photography...and from the VERY start Becca has been cheering me on endlessly. I am forever thankful to her for believing in me ...more than she will ever know. Thank you Becca!
I am in a black & white mood, but - without further ado- Welcome Cannon Patrick... we are so glad you are here! YAY!

Miss her new role as BIG sister.

And one of the whole family... my favorite!