It was my birthday yesterday and I have to admit, the whole idea of a BIRTH-day has new meaning to me as I head into the final month of this pregnancy. We are getting so excited to meet this new person that is, undoubtedly, going to completely rock our world and change it forever. What a blessing and we cannot fully express our excitement! But, we also honestly admit - some days we are just scared to death. What an adventure ahead! :)
Bill and I sit and wonder who this little buddy is... what will make them laugh, what will capture their attention, what will their passions be? So we wait with anticipation to learn more about our son or daughter, while loving this little one to pieces already... it is crazy how that works!
Since this little one is so much on my mind right now, I wanted to share a bit of our journey...a.k.a. the journey of my growing belly. :) A bit different than being behind the camera, which is where I love to be...but we wanted to share this time in our lives with our family and friends. My rock star husband, Bill, is the photographer here for the belly shots... didn't he do a fantastic job??
Love you little buddy... can't wait to meet you soon!
Mom and Dad

...and now we eagerly wait! We will be sure to share our news when this little one arrives. Thanks to everyone who has been such an amazing support to us... we are so thankful you are in our lives.